Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Attraction : How to Get What You Want From Anyone You Meet

Attraction is a very powerful tool to use to get what you want, if you know the proper way to use it.
People interact with each other on a daily basis, and most times this is because one person needs something from the other. Getting others to do what you want them to do is simple, when you know how to do it.
In the business world, for example, you may have a product or service to sell while the other person is  looking for such a product. To sell your product or service to them, you will have to convince the other person that he will be satisfied with the services you render according to his needs.

In other words, the way to get anybody to do what you want is to make them want to do it. Trying to get what you want through intimidation or force is asking for trouble. Yes, it;s possible but not advisable to use forceful methods, because the results are short term and can even be disastrous.

So how do you get others to do what you want? Simple. Give them what they want. That is the secret to attraction. And what is it that people want? Good health, love, and financial security are the basic desires of people.

But there is one important, yet intangible, thing everybody wants more than anything else, and that is to be appreciated. Being appreciated and complimented makes a person feel important. When you feel important, you feel needed and wanted, and this gives you a reason for existing.

So, how do you make someone else feel important? Tell them. Show them. Give appreciation freely, honestly, and without reservation. Saying how appreciative you are for a favor received or a job well done will make the other person feel important and respected.

You may not be able to describe in words how being appreciated makes you feel when you’re the recipient, but you know that what you feel is real and priceless.
To get what you want through attraction, show the other person that - if he does what you want him to do - it will, in turn, make him feel important.

Lets take charity for example. You want a contribution from a prospective donor. Even before the act of giving itself, the donor expects some from of appreciation from you and this, in turn, will give him a feeling of importance.

But appreciation doesn't necessarily have to be expressed in words. A smile and a handshake could be sufficient, and they can come from both you and the donor.

The donor shows his feeling of being appreciated, while you show your appreciation for the contribution. A chemistry takes place. It;s a feeling both parties would enjoy happening many times over.
So, to get others to do what you want them to, you must give them something first. Make them feel special, important and appreciated.

But, be aware, your feelings must be genuine. You must truly appreciate the person as a fellow human being, and not just because they are doing something for you.

If you can truly feel that the person you are interacting with is important and worthy, and can convey those feelings to that person, you will get them to do what you want them to, and they will feel good about doing it for you.

This is the most powerful way to get what you want through attraction.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Law of Attraction – Increase Your Mind Power over Money

 In order to fully master the law of attraction one must become aware of how the mind works in relation to our physical reality.  The mind is the power station for all our experiences. 
The mind can be compared to the hard drive of a computer.  It stores all the impressions that you experience throughout your life time.  Whatever you may have witness while growing up with your parents, the stories that others have shared with you, all these are impressions that are held in the mind.  Whether those impressions are good or seemingly bad they remain in the mind of the individual and influences that person’s experience of life. 

How you experience money is directly influenced by the information you have been fed about money and became stored in your mind.  One of the hardest applications of the law of attraction is in trying to attract more money.  Most people can attest to having a very hard time in attracting the amount they desire.  However, if you understand how the mind works you can then learn to over ride whatever impressions that are blocking you from attracting what you desire. 

To truly gain results with the law of attraction you must learn to examine yourself.  See yourself and your thoughts as a massive amusement park, be excited to explore yourself.  The more you investigate the reason behind your feelings and the actions that you take the more self control you will begin to develop.  Before you can take the steps to change any part of yourself you need to first be aware of your actions and the reason behind your actions.  No one else can do that for you!
Get a journal and begin questioning yourself:
 What are your thoughts about money?
What feelings come into your body when you think of my present financial situations?
How do you feel about your financial future?
What was your first impression you had of money?

 How to Apply Mental Training
One of the biggest failures in applying the law of attraction is the inability to train the mind on a consistent basis.  An untrained mind has very little magnetic power to attract. Even just a few minutes a day will build up magnetic mental power that takes much less effort to attract than a mind that has not been trained. 
See mental training like the training of your physical body. The more you train your body the better it performs and the more power it has.

Inner and Outer Training

In order to attract more money, more freedom it’s necessary to train the mind to also see it in your present environment.  It’s very easy for most people to make a study of poverty and to complain about their own financial woes but very rarely do people draw the impression of wealth into their mind.  If you just sit for a few moments and observe the lifestyles of those who are successful at attracting wealth you will slowly find your old impressions beginning to change.  The mind will receive those impressions and slowly begin to replace the old worn out impression you have of money that do not work.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Law Of Attraction Doesn't Understand 'Don't, Not or No'

Have you ever wondered why sometimes we get something that we really didn't want in our lives? People often tell me, "I didn't ask for THAT!"

In fact, some people think that the Law of Attraction 'isn't working for me' when they attract something they didn't want into their life--but it is. You see, the Law of Attraction doesn't hear the words 'don't, not or no' (as in, 'I don't want that.' 'That's not what I want.' 'No more of this!') it only responds to your feelings (your vibes) about that subject. If thinking about a certain situation causes you to feel upset, the Law of Attraction sends you MORE upsetting situations.

Here's a story sent to me by a reader, that demonstrates what I mean:
I went to a charity event last night (for which I paid $50) and then I donated another $20 for raffle tickets for various prizes. The idea was to put your ticket into the bowl that represented the prize you wanted. Well, none of the prizes were exciting to me. I put my ticket into the bowl that seemed the best of the three. And as I did so, I said to myself, 'I' really hope I don't win this silly haircut.' Then I realized there were more than three prizes and I felt disappointed that I had put my ticket into that bowl, but it was too late to take it back. So, as they were calling the prize winners I again said 'I' don't want that haircut.' When they read out my number I was so disbelieving that I had to ask them to repeat the number because I could not believe that I had won it - especially because I had said so clearly, 'I don't want it!' - well you know the ending of this story. I focused on it, said "don't" and focused on it again. DUH!! Now the fact is, it is a nice prize and I will use it - what was I thinking?
Sometimes I use the illustration of the Internet Search Engines--if you go to www.goolge.ca and type in the words 'no porn'--what will you get? That's right--PORN. The Search Engines don't understand Don't give me--they just understand porn.

So, if I don't want something, how do I avoid attracting it into my life?
By answering this simple question: 'If I don't want this . . . what do I want?'
Sometimes it takes a while to formulate a positive answer to that question, but taking the time to do so is the ONLY way to stop attracting what you don't want.

If I don't want clients who are late for our sessions, what do I want?  I want clients who are on time or early.
If I don't want to chase after clients to be paid for my services, what do I want? I want clients who joyfully pay by credit card or E-check for my services--on time or early.

If I fail to get clear about what I DO want, according to the Law of Attraction, I will attract that which I don't want into my life again and again--for until I place my focus on something else, what I don't want IS (by default) my focus.

Can you think of something that has been occurring in your life, over and over again?  If so, take a few minutes--just 5 or 10 minutes and do this exercise:

1. Write down on paper what this reoccurring event is. State what happens and how it makes you feel.
2. Then ask the question: If I don't want that to happen again, what DO I want to happen? or If I don't want to feel like that again, what DO I want to feel like?

Get a picture in your mind, an idea or a feeling for how you would like it to be. Find the words that most accurately express what you want and write them down on paper. Doing this will engage all your senses to such a degree that you will automatically begin to attract events and situations that are more enjoyable.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Your Preferences - As Unique As Your Fingerprints

Would life be different, if you believed that everything you love and enjoy is just right for you?
What would happen if you knew yourself so well you could say with confidence, "No thank you, I prefer..."
How would you look at others, if you really understood that their choices are perfect for them?

The Law of Attraction teaches us to recognize our personal preferences by noticing how things feel and asking ourselves, "Which feels better?  This or that?" When we take the time to notice our feelings, we learn about ourselves in a way that leads to great personal freedom and happiness.

Before I learned about the Law of Attraction and how I attract people, situations and opportunities in complete accord with my vibration (vibes), I tried to live by a set of standards or principles. I remember a time when I asked my pastor if he could give me a list of these principles so I could make sure I was living the right way. I did everything I could to be the perfect mother, dutiful housewife and selfless Christian. I thought that by conforming to what other people expected, I would become happy too. I was NOT a happy, joyful person. I was a person in great emotional and eventually physical, pain.

But the Law of Attraction taught me to notice when something doesn't feel good, because that feeling of discomfort is an indicator that something is NOT good for me. Anything out of alignment with who I am and all the purposes I came to fulfill will NOT feel good. WOW!  I had been placing my hand on a hot stove and trying to feel comfortable with the pain. I'd lived with chronic emotional and physical pain for so long that I was becoming numb to it. (A third degree burn is painless because all the nerve endings are burned away.)
One day, the truth finally dawned on me: Only I can choose what is best for me. No one can tell me what is good for me--only I can tell. And the way I tell is by noticing how everything feels, then looking for the thought, answer, idea or thing that feels best.

"Good feels good. Bad feels bad." ~ Abraham-Hicks

Knowing and honoring my personal preferences causes me to fulfill ALL my life purposes--naturally. Everything I set out to do during this lifetime is already programmed within me. The way I 'read the program' is to notice what brings me great joy and follow that lead. In fact, this is the shortest and easiest way to find fulfillment. Before I learned about the Law of Attraction, I felt like I had lost 30 years of my life by trying to endure a poor marriage. But within 5 years of applying the Law of Attraction in the way described in this article, I felt caught up on life. About two years ago, I had a profound realization:  "Today, I am exactly where I would be, if I had done the first 55 years of my life differently." That is a GREAT feeling!
Now I tell my students:  "Your personal preferences are as unique to you as your fingerprints. Only you can do certain things in this life and your preferences are there to guide you into actually living life in the most joyfully satisfying way!"
What about you?  Are you seeing yourself in this light?  Have you wondered why you don't fit in with the crowd?  Are you ready to accept yourself and your preferences as being right for YOU?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Manifestation and the Importance of Living in the Present

 Do you sometimes observe your mind? In the ancient Vedic scripture Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna “One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well. For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.”

When you start observing your mind first thing you might notice is that you don’t control it. How many times you have read something, sometimes even trying to really concentrate on the subject, but then you caught yourself thinking about something completely different at the same time?

You can observe your mind, because you are not your mind, as you are not your body (This article is not about “You are not your body” subject. I wrote more about it in “Introduction to Manifestation”)

To manifest what you want you need to control your mind. You need to concentrate, meditate and visualize often. You need to focus on the things you want to manifest. If you allow your mind to jump freely from one subject to another, like a monkey from tree to tree, it will take you long time to achieve your goals.

One aspect of this is importance of living in the NOW. You can notice that we often think about the past, and when we think about the past we tend to think about “old good times”. There are not “old good times”.

We simply forget about bad times and think about good times mostly, because it allows us to escape from the present reality and live in happy illusion.

The point is that the past, happy or sad is dead. We can’t change it. It also doesn’t have any value for our manifesting purposes. Of course we can hopefully learn from our past mistakes, but that’s it, otherwise dwelling on the past is just a waste of time.

If we don’t think about the past we usually think about the future. Often we are afraid of the future, sometimes we look at the future with hope. But the future is made in the present. We need to start living in the present and concentrate on the present. We need to be happy now.
If we are happy now, we build our happy future. Because of that it is very important to gradually control the mind and to live in the now; try to be happy now.

We can easily change our mind’s states. We can listen to some good music which we like, we can think about someone we love or we can look at something beautiful. Whatever helps you to feel happy, and the most important we can visualize the things we want in the future as already achieved.
A good way to get in the good mood is to do some simple yogic breathing exercises, which very quickly help to achieve peace and control of the mind.

Another good way is to practice gratitude for the things you have and the things you would like to have. You cannot feel unhappy when you feel grateful.

There are many different methods, but to start manifesting the things you want easily and quickly it’s good to find a good mentor or course, and follow the instructions. Reading about manifestation, the law of attraction and self improvement is always good, but the best is to take action and apply what you have learned.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Law of Attraction – From Zero to Tens of Thousands

Do you feel stuck and frustrated?  Most people do.  A lack of money can get most people to feel stagnant and quite frustrated about life.  If you could change your situation from one of lack to one where money is flowing into your life would you take the steps?

A few months ago I met someone who was quite frustrated in his life.  He had a very funny statement which he repeated very often and it goes like this.  “Now if only I could just get some money then I would….” 
The funny thing about this man is that he knew the law of attraction and he knew quite a few things that most people don’t even have a clue about.  Yet every time he made that statement he was informing the universe of what he did not want.  He was no doubt vibrating from a place of lack and the law of attraction made that very clear in his life.

Quite honestly despite his vast knowledge of the law of attraction and deeper metaphysical science he was stuck.  He could not seem to get out of the rut and his deep dark miserable circumstances.  All of that did change when he learned to apply a simple technique that altered those gloomy thought patterns in his space.
Most people experience feelings of being stuck.  Although they know that certain steps need to be applied they cannot shift their old energetic state.  The old energy of lack and poverty lingers like a dark cloud and that needs to be washed down. 

There are techniques that do cleans those old negative debris that must be dealt with first before the new circumstances can manifest.  It does require an easy daily practice but once it is done the changes begin to show in such a magnificent way.

All knowledge and no practice leads to an understanding without results.  Many people are like this, they acquire lots of knowledge but never use it.  Many times the knowledge is incomplete.  What makes the knowledge complete is having an actual technique a step by step plan to make that knowledge work. 
With applying the law of attraction a person must learn the actual technique and go immediately into practicing it. 

Eventually I told him.  I made it clear to him what he was doing.  Luckily for both of us he accepted without resistance and I showed him the clear techniques to increase his own thought power, while eliminating the negative energy and circumstances which he had previously created. 

The results were outstanding.  He diligently went about the techniques and within a matter of days things took off.  He kept it up and within months he was making a very hefty amount of money.  Far more money than he has ever seen in his lifetime.

He is remarkable proof that the techniques to applying the law of attraction once understood can and do create outstanding results.

Using the law of attraction to manifest what you want is powerful granted you apply the necessary techniques.  Almost everyone can run but not everyone can run a marathon.  The difference is that it takes right knowledge of breathing and particular ways of running and without this knowledge you are guaranteed if anything to fail.  Using the law of attraction to manifest is the same.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Law of Attraction – Increase Your Mind Power over Money

 In order to fully master the law of attraction one must become aware of how the mind works in relation to our physical reality.  The mind is the power station for all our experiences. 

The mind can be compared to the hard drive of a computer.  It stores all the impressions that you experience throughout your life time.  Whatever you may have witness while growing up with your parents, the stories that others have shared with you, all these are impressions that are held in the mind.  Whether those impressions are good or seemingly bad they remain in the mind of the individual and influences that person’s experience of life. 

How you experience money is directly influenced by the information you have been fed about money and became stored in your mind.  One of the hardest applications of the law of attraction is in trying to attract more money.  Most people can attest to having a very hard time in attracting the amount they desire.  However, if you understand how the mind works you can then learn to over ride whatever impressions that are blocking you from attracting what you desire. 

To truly gain results with the law of attraction you must learn to examine yourself.  See yourself and your thoughts as a massive amusement park, be excited to explore yourself.  The more you investigate the reason behind your feelings and the actions that you take the more self control you will begin to develop.  Before you can take the steps to change any part of yourself you need to first be aware of your actions and the reason behind your actions.  No one else can do that for you!

Get a journal and begin questioning yourself:
 What are your thoughts about money?
What feelings come into your body when you think of my present financial situations?
How do you feel about your financial future?
What was your first impression you had of money?

How to Apply Mental Training
One of the biggest failures in applying the law of attraction is the inability to train the mind on a consistent basis.  An untrained mind has very little magnetic power to attract. Even just a few minutes a day will build up magnetic mental power that takes much less effort to attract than a mind that has not been trained. 
See mental training like the training of your physical body. The more you train your body the better it performs and the more power it has.

Inner and Outer Training
In order to attract more money, more freedom it’s necessary to train the mind to also see it in your present environment.  It’s very easy for most people to make a study of poverty and to complain about their own financial woes but very rarely do people draw the impression of wealth into their mind.  If you just sit for a few moments and observe the lifestyles of those who are successful at attracting wealth you will slowly find your old impressions beginning to change.  The mind will receive those impressions and slowly begin to replace the old worn out impression you have of money that do not work.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Foundations Of The Law Of Attraction

The Lord Buddha said “All that we are is the result of what we have thought",  the Darby Bible Translation tells us that Job, 3: 25 of the old testament, declared, “For I feared a fear, and it hath come upon me, and that which I dreaded hath come to me.” It seems that both Buddha and Job understood the eternal workings of the Law Of Attraction. However, unlike the enlightened Buddha, Job, like the majority of people today, suffered the dire consequences of not using this law to his advantage!

The Law Of Attraction at its very basic level states that everything is created by thought and that thought attracts to itself, physical things, people, situations and circumstances. Your thoughts are attracting these things in this very moment!

However, we do not just create and attract the material things that enter our lives, we also create the body we occupy, the personality we display and, ultimately, the person we are and we do it all through our thoughts. Are you creating the life you desire & becoming the person you wish to be or are you like Job and bringing upon you all manner of woes because you are giving your attention to them? Perhaps you are even identifying yourself as a victim and refusing to acknowledge the Law and use it consciously!

The Law Of Attraction is not as big a Secret, as the hit movie would have you believe. It has been around since the dawn of time and is an unbending, ever-present rule of the Universe. You cannot escape it! There is a great body of evidence that suggests mankind has known about, and utilised, the great Law for about 7000 years. However, the teaching of universal truths did become clouded for many hundreds, if not thousands, of years by greedy self-serving dogmatists that wished to keep control of the masses and was actually banned at one point.

It was largely at the beginning of the 20th century that the general public started to become aware of this great law due to the diligence, fortitude, integrity and grace of writers such as James Allen (1864-1912),  Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) and Charles Haanel (1866-1949).

Wallace D. Wattles (1860 – 1911) was another pioneer of free thinking. In his great work “The Science of Getting Rich” Wattles states a great truth, “There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.” How revolutionary that statement was in 1910.

Haanel set out in a 24 part correspondence course, which is now condensed into one volume called “The Master Key System“, a complete guide to successfully using the Law Of Attraction! It was banned by the Church in 1933 due to its revelations. This is allegedly the book Bill Gates read before he created Microsoft!

Napoleon Hill revealed Andrew Carnegie’s great Secret to the world - that thoughts create things - when he wrote “Think & Grow Rich” in 1937 (although it had taken him 25 years to complete).

James Allen wrote his famous work in 1912 and in “As a Man Thinketh” he tells people that “mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.”
However, although the teachings have been around for thousands of years and they have been readily and easily available to the general public for almost a century the great majority of people do not take the time to learn the workings of probably the most powerful physical law in the Universe.

I think you owe it to yourself to delve deeper into this mysterious Universe and learn as much as you can about the laws that govern your life. When you truly understand the Law Of Attraction and begin to work with it for you personal advantage, I promise you, your life will change in fantastic, unexpected and unlimited ways.

Begin now to utilise this gift and construct in your imagination the life you really want to live. Seek out ways to remove your own inner resistance and limiting beliefs. Start to use the Law Of Attraction today!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Manifestation is a powerful tool for personal growth

 Manifestation is the results of your thoughts. Sounds simple if you are already a manifestation student but do you really believe it and live by it.

What we focus on expands, so what are you manifesting?

Why not stop and think about it, what you are manifesting right now.
How do you feel about what you are manifesting and do you feel like it is your creation?
You may have some doubts about this but you are already an expert at manifesting?
Just look at everything around you and all the experiences that you have been having.
If we can move forward from that belief that we are already creating the things that are in front of us, we can also think that it is possible to change what we are manifesting.
So if manifestation is a given, then how do we change what we are manifesting.
Focus on what you want:  Focus on the feelings of what you want and feel positive about it, positive about having it, feel good in your body and emotions.

The opposite of this is to focus on not having it and that we should have it. This is an important point so think about this for awhile. Think back to the experiences that you have had and how you felt about those things before they were delivered. Think about things that came easy and things that were difficult. Use you own experiences to take this point to a deeper level deeper.

Start to take inspired action towards having what you want. Inspired action means to take action with awareness of how it makes us feel as we move towards having what we want.
Taking action with awareness allows us to know when we are coming across some limiting beliefs and to recognize the negative voice that tells us to stop or change direction.
The simplest method to follow when we hit a negative belief, it to just ignore it and replace it with a positive one. This may take some repetition but it is well worth it.
There are plenty of other techniques for belief change which can be used at a later stage. Starting the ball rolling is the most important thing at first.
Continue to take action with awareness and you will know when you making the decisions that will support what you want. If you get off track, just laugh and get back on again.

Choose what resources you would like to help you and stay aware for their delivery.
Personal growth is a lot about knowing who we really are and using conscious manifestation is a great tool to learn a lot about ourselves. When you master conscious manifestation you will also realize at a deeper level that it was really you who created all those experiences.
Enjoy your manifestations!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Law of Attraction – How to Create a Powerful Money Portal

Does the law of attraction really work when it comes to attracting more money?  That’s the question on the minds of lots of people.  Sure it does work but there are rules and secrets to attracting money that will change the flow of money in your direction once you know how it all works.

Right now you may be feeling scared, frustrated, or just stuck.  There is a whole wide world of possibilities to be lived and experienced but it’s all out of your reach because you are short on money.  Well so you think anyway.  None of what you believe about money is really true even the belief that you need money to live the life that you want.

 To Begin with Forget all the Money Affirmations

I know all the gurus tell you that money affirmations will change you mind.  Money affirmation will help you to attract more money.  Many of those gurus made money telling you this nonsense.  You know its nonsense also because you are still reading this article instead of spending the money you should have had from using those money affirmations.

Putting all jokes aside there is a powerful way of attracting and it requires that you first become aware of yourself; your very own nature as a magnet.  When you become aware of your own inner void and how to use your divine center you can suck money or anything you desire to you.  The law of attraction will become a game to you.  Your ability to manifest will increase.

The Money Portal is You

You can get the law of attraction to bring you what you desire when you learn how to draw intense magnetic power towards you first.  That is the true secret. First you become magnetic then you draw what you want. 
Think of a magnet and how it draws metals from all various angles.  It does not draw from one side alone, it magnetically attracts from several sides and it does so very fast.  It is irresistible to all other forms of metal. 
That is the true secret to applying the law of attraction.  Most people have the law of attraction in reverse.  You must first become the portal for raw power.  It’s a cosmic power so great that you can manifest anything.

Imagine being able to charge yourself that you become irresistible to all the things that you want.  Applying the law of attraction will then become easier.  There will be no struggle when you create a desire because that desire will desire you.

Money will Desire to Move Towards You

If you understand the nature of energy you will understand that all things are alive in the universe, including the things we consider dead.  Energy can never be destroyed; it is always moving and changing form.  Money is also energy.  As you become more magnetic money will follow you.  You will not chase money, rather it will find its way to you easily.  The law of attraction will become a game to you.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Science of Manifesting Money Faster

There is a greater science to manifesting money faster.  You can easily learn to apply it to your life and begin to see great results immediately.  Very few people know or understand these techniques; as a result most people struggle to truly in manifesting more money or the things they truly desire to manifest.

One of the first things you may have done to begin manifesting is to begin an affirmation program or to visualize.  While visualization and affirmations are extremely important there still leave most people frustrated.  “So what’s missing they ask?”

While you may be repeating affirmation in hopes of manifesting money you are continuing to lock yourself into the same space of lack and poverty that you are trying to escape.  You are like the little engine at the bottom of the hill repeating senselessly, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.”  But, the little engine has no fuel, no power to push him up the hill.

Nothing happens, no change happens and the money you are hoping to manifest does not come.  Manifesting money requires that you expand, that you gain a large quantity of mind, body and spiritual fuel.
There are many ancient techniques that are not shared with the public when it comes to manifesting.  At the basis of each technique there is a science, a secret that is not clearly explained.  So you continue to try.
Words alone do not manifest.  At the foundation of words there is energy.  Do you really understand the energy behind the words that you are using?  Do you understand that the science of manifesting money requires certain energy?

Manifesting money faster requires that you have an immense thought power that is greater than the energy that you are presently experiencing.

Many people succeed in manifesting something in their life.  However the following day they are unable to manifest something else.  It confuses them that they were successful with manifesting one thing but not the other. 

Somehow if they examined their own state of being when they were successful they will realize a delicious secret.  They may realize that were in a more free and expanded state when they were successful.  There are many ancient ways of expanding your state of being to fuel money rapidly into your life.  It is miraculous in its results if you would remain open minded.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Law of Attraction – 5 Things Preventing You from Attracting What You Want

Using the law of attraction to manifest what you desire can be either wonderfully easy, or painfully hard depending on your full awareness.  It is very important to become aware of the things that you do want but it is just as necessary to be aware of the things which prevent you from getting what you want.
Here are 5 reasons you may not be successful in attracting what you want.

1.) Not being in alignment - You must be in alignment with what you do want.  To be in alignment with your desires is not always easy.  Let’s say that you have a desire to attract twenty thousand dollars but you are flat broke, most everything in your environment speaks poverty.  You may be wishing and hoping but everything in your being feels like ten dollars rather than twenty thousand dollars.  Your objective then should be to find a way to begin to feel like you are worth twenty thousand dollars.  This is the first and most crucial step to activating the law of attraction.

2.) Lack of Focus –This is another hindrance to manifesting what you desire.  In order to get the universe to move what you want into your physical reality you must begin to hold a clear and steady focus of what you want all times through out the day.

3.) Lack of power with intent – The one thing which generates power with your intention is emotion and feelings.  In order for the law of attraction to work quickly with your desires you must first know with great certainly that you do want what you are asking for and you must begin to feel it very deeply.  If there are slight feelings of doubt those doubts will work as barriers affecting the attraction process from going in your favor.

4.)Not knowing how reality works – The law of attraction is one of several laws that assist you in manifesting what you desire.  There are other laws which cancel out your intention if you are not aware of them or how they work.  Manifesting your desires requires that you learn all the necessary parts to get great success with attracting what you want.

5.) Surrounding yourself with people or things which contradict what you are creating - This is by far one of the most difficult parts to successfully applying the law of attraction.  You see other people’s beliefs and doubts can greatly hamper your ability to manifest what you want.  Those people could be family members, co-workers or friends.  The universal law of attraction moves on vibration and other people’s vibration can have a great effect on your own personal vibration causing you to attract based on the vibration of the group you are sounded by.

As you can see there are many parts to the attraction process not all being fully understood by most people.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Your Vibrational Meter

Have you ever felt 'stuck' in life? I mean totally 'stuck'--immobilized, paralyzed or unable to make the right decision?

Several years ago, a friend of mine felt totally stuck.  He was considering a business opportunity that seemed like an ideal situation for him and it promised to be very lucrative as well. However, he had hit burnout several times during the course of his association with that business and he had to admit that something did not feel right about the whole thing. He took two weeks off from communicating with the parties involved, believing that if he had some space he  would find the answer that he needed, in order to know how to proceed. But at the end of the two weeks, he felt just as confused as he had been earlier, and did not know whether to proceed with a partnership or pull out partially or pull out entirely.

He went away to a nearby resort to try to clear my head and find the answer. After two days and nights he still was had no clear idea of what to do. He was trying so hard to figure everything out with my mind and my rational mind was not helping at all. Finally, in desperation, in the middle of the night he wrote:

"I need a new framework; a completely new way of looking at my life and making decisions."

The next morning, he plugged in a cassette tape a newfound friend had sent him. Though the tape was of poor quality, he heard something that has become his  new framework:

“You have within you a god-given vibrational meter that tells you what is good for you and what is not good for you. That vibrational meter is your emotions. If something feels good, then it is good for you. If something does not feel good, then it isn't.”

He knew immediately that this business proposal was NOT good for him, because he did not feel entirely good about it. In fact, he was making himself sick trying to make it feel right when it was not.

What a relief it was to have this new framework from which to make decisions.
He  had clarity and peace about not preceding with this business partnership AND he  immediately wrote out a list of characteristics that he WANTED in a business partnership. Within a few days, he met his  current business partner who is an absolute perfect match to that want list.

With the realization of this vibrational meter, you never need to make decisions with your mind. You never need to rationalize or justify your decisions. You simply need to recognize that "that doesn't feel good" and "that feels good" and "that feels great!" to know what is right for you.

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Law Of Attraction Doesn't Understand 'Don't, Not or No'

 Have you ever wondered why sometimes we get something that we really didn't want in our lives? People often tell me, "I didn't ask for THAT!"

In fact, some people think that the Law of Attraction 'isn't working for me' when they attract something they didn't want into their life--but it is. You see, the Law of Attraction doesn't hear the words 'don't, not or no' (as in,'I don't want that.' 'That's not what I want.' 'No more of this!') it only responds to your feelings (your vibes) about that subject. If thinking about a certain situation causes you to feel upset, the Law of Attraction sends you MORE upsetting situations.

Here's a story sent to me by a reader, that demonstrates what I mean:
I went to a charity event last night (for which I paid $50) and then I donated another $20 for raffle tickets for various prizes. The idea was to put your ticket into the bowl that represented the prize you wanted. Well, none of the prizes were exciting to me. I put my ticket into the bowl that seemed the best of the three. And as I did so, I said to myself, 'I' really hope I don't win this silly haircut.' Then I realized there were more than three prizes and I felt disappointed that I had put my ticket into that bowl, but it was too late to take it back. So, as they were calling the prize winners I again said 'I' don't want that haircut.' When they read out my number I was so disbelieving that I had to ask them to repeat the number because I could not believe that I had won it - especially because I had said so clearly, 'I don't want it!' - well you know the ending of this story. I focused on it, said "don't" and focused on it again. DUH!! Now the fact is, it is a nice prize and I will use it - what was I thinking?

Sometimes I use the illustration of the Internet Search Engines--if you go to www.goolge.ca and type in the words 'no porn'--what will you get? That's right--PORN. The Search Engines don't understand Don't give me--they just understand porn.

So, if I don't want something, how do I avoid attracting it into my life?
By answering this simple question: 'If I don't want this . . . what do I want?'
Sometimes it takes a while to formulate a positive answer to that question, but taking the time to do so is the ONLY way to stop attracting what you don't want.
If I don't want clients who are late for our sessions, what do I want?  I want clients who are on time or early.

If I don't want to chase after clients to be paid for my services, what do I want? I want clients who joyfully pay by credit card or E-check for my services--on time or early.
If I fail to get clear about what I DO want, according to the Law of Attraction, I will attract that which I don't want into my life again and again--for until I place my focus on something else, what I don't want IS (by default) my focus.

Can you think of something that has been occurring in your life, over and over again?  If so, take a few minutes--just 5 or 10 minutes and do this exercise:
1. Write down on paper what this reoccurring event is. State what happens and how it makes you feel.
2. Then ask the question: If I don't want that to happen again, what DO I want to happen? or If I don't want to feel like that again, what DO I want to feel like?
Get a picture in your mind, an idea or a feeling for how you would like it to be. Find the words that most accurately express what you want and write them down on paper. Doing this will engage all your senses to such a degree that you will automatically begin to attract events and situations that are more enjoyable.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Law of Attraction – How to Use Affirmations

To affirm means to declare what is already present.  It is the same with creating and using affirmations to attract or to transform the things which we desire. 

When you create an affirmation you are declaring to yourself and the universe that the desire is already created.  As you continue to repeat these affirmations you are also holding your thoughts clearing with intense focus on the creation that you have made.

Affirmations serve many purposes when trying to manifest the things you want.  Applying the law of attraction can be hard when you try diligently to maintain positive uplifting thoughts.  It’s almost impossible to monitor your thoughts twenty four hours a day but when you create clear affirmations with details they become a great tool in controlling your thoughts and in turn influencing the law of attraction in your favor.

Here are three ways to use affirmations with your law of attraction practice to get great results.

1. The first step to using the affirmations is to become very clear about what you want.  In order to become clear you would need to write out all the details that you would like to see and experience in the thing that you want.  The clearer you are about your intentions the more power you give to your affirmations.

2. Write a clear positive affirmation in the first person stating your desire as if it is already complete.  Never make statements such as, “ I wish I could be… or someday I can have or I don’t want to do…” 
These three statements are the most ineffective statements when creating your affirmations.  The affirmation must be created with power and faith in order to fully shift the law of attraction in your favor.  You must absolutely omit any words that tie you to the thing which you do not want.  If you want to stop thinking in a negative way, it is best to state, “ I now think and feel in the most positive way.  I thoughts are happy and positive every moment of the day.”

3. Move into the affirmation with feeling.  Feeling adds the power to your desires.  Feelings generate an internal energy that allows your whole being to absorb your statement.
Many people find it a bit hard to really create success with their affirmations and that is as a result of stuck emotional energetic patterns that are difficult to change.  There are many incredible techniques that can shift those affirmations quite deeply that they make the attraction process even easier and more effective without the mindless repetition.
How deeply are you willing to go to see the changes that you know are possible to have?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Your Thoughts and The Law of Attraction

 We have all heard the expression, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again." But to carry on without thinking about why you failed only leads to more failure.

The ability to create is a God given gift. A gift given to everyone without exception. Thought is the first step to manifesting any creation. Thoughts are energy, they are real. Your thoughts act as magnets and attract other thoughts, people, and circumstances that harmonize with them.

Thoughts operate and adhere to certain universal laws. Without  these laws there would be no order; the universe itself would sink into chaos.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Much of what was once considered metaphysical, esoteric knowledge in the past is now scientific fact. Physics has shown that the principles involved in the Law of Attraction are every  bit as valid as those governing the Law of Gravity. So it should come as no surprise that dwelling only on your problems simply attracts more problems.

The idea of attracting success by thinking about it is very appealing. So appealing in fact, people often get the wrong impression that it's easy. Affirmations can be helpful, but mindless affirmations alone have no real value. On the other hand, once an affirmation becomes part of your belief system the subconscious goes to work attracting opportunities. It is not the success itself we attract, but the opportunity to succeed.

Our world is ruled by cause and effect, yet we often fail to see how this rule applies to the thoughts we think. This happens because the results of our thoughts are so far removed from the cause that we fail to see the connection.

The subconscious mind is working tirelessly 24 hours a day. It doesn't analyze, it doesn't judge, it simply accepts and attracts more of what the conscious mind is focused on. Are you attracting problems or solutions? By focusing on desire and showing gratitude for what you already have, the subconscious mind is given the necessary material to provide a constant stream of opportunities. Whether we take advantage of these opportunities or not is another story.

It's impossible to operate outside the law of attraction. Consciously or unconsciously your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, determine if this law works for or against you. Stay focused on your success and reaching your goals. As one success leads to another, success becomes a habit. Problems and obstacles are seen as no more than stepping stones on the road to your ultimate goal.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Three Steps to Attracting More Satisfying Relationships

 As long as the Law of Attraction has only the 'DON'T want' script, it is restricted to orchestrating that script over and over. We must give the Law of Attraction some NEW MATERIAL to work with.

What do you really want in your relationships?  Security? Affection? Loyalty? Companionship? Communication? What?
Do you wonder why you keep attracting certain types of people into your life?
Are you tired of feeling disappointed in 'love?
Have you ever been 'blind-sided' by someone you thought was a friend?
Do you feel desperate to find that special person you can live with forever?
Here are three steps that can help you in attracting more satisfying relationships:

Step 1:  Make a thorough list of all the characteristics or scenarios of your past relationships that you DON'T WANT to experience again. You can use the T-toolTM for this exercise or just take a fresh sheet of paper and draw a large 'T' on it.
Label the left hand column: 'I Don't want' and the right-hand column, 'I Do Want'.

Ask your Inner Self to remind you of past events that you do NOT want repeated.
Write a few words about each event that express the essence of that event.

Step 2:  Examine each item on the 'I DON'T want ..." side and ask yourself this question: "If I don't want this, what DO I want?"

One major reason why we keep attracting the same unsatisfactory relationships is because we fail to use the contrast contained in those negative events to get clear about what we DO want.

Step 3:  Write a Script about how you DO want your relationships to be:
As long as the Law of Attraction has only the 'DON'T want' Script, it is restricted to orchestrating that Script over and over. We must give the Law of Attraction some NEW MATERIAL to work with.

Scripting accesses all four parts of the brain.
The left brain which deals with words and logic;
The right brain which understands patterns and symbols ;
The mid-brain which experiences emotions; and
The brain stem which registers physical stimulation .

When we write a Script, starting with a phrase such as:  "If I had my way...", and use our imagination about that which feels good to us, we are accessing our right and mid-brain. A thought or feeling comes and we translate it into words (using the left brain) that symbolize the thought or feeling (right brain again). Writing the Script engages the body, which registers in the brain stem.

When all four parts of the brain are engaged, a powerful message is delivered to the Universe.
I like to end my Scripts with the phrase, "And do this in ways that are for my highest good and the highest good of everyone involved." This is a phrase that helps me let go of 'HOW" this will all happen, and allows the Law of Attraction to bring it about in the very best possible way.
Remember, the Law of Attraction brings us precisely what we vibrate. So if we want to experience relationships that are more satisfying, then we must change our dominant vibration to match the experiences we WANT to have.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Law of Attraction and Dreams, Premonitions or Predictions

How can we believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?

Recently, I received an interesting email in which a woman told me that when she was 10 years old, she was shown in a dream how one day she would have a son and he would die at a certain age in a specific fashion. She also reported that this did, in fact, occur. Her question to me was, "How can I believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?"
What's happening when we have dreams, premonitions or receive a prediction that something (usually unwanted) is going to take place in the future? Or when it does happen we remember having received foreknowledge?

Here are three things you might consider:

1. Time only exists here on earth for us humans. Quantum physics teaches that although everything; every event, every experience, every possibility exists at the same time--in the NOW--man has invented time: the past, the present and the future, to bring some sort of order into these experiences. Religions call this Eternity--the place where time has no beginning and no end.

2. The Law of Attraction teaches us that everything vibrates and every vibration affects all other vibrations. I like the way Abraham-Hicks put it: "Everything vibrates and is communicating, reacting, responding and integrating with other vibrating things." ~Well Being Cards

3. Our subconscious mind is directly connected to the Super Conscious Mind (Source, Higher Power, Inner Being and Holy Spirit) and we are all learning how to translate this information for "human consumption." Remember, the translator is a person with their own agenda, fears and ideas about the meaning of this information.

I have been experiencing dreams, visions and prophetic words since 1987--actually, I had many experience of this nature as a young child, followed by years of rare occurrences. What I've found is that ANY piece of information can be interpreted through a filter of fear or love. When it is filtered through fear, it usually brings an ominous feeling to the prediction. When it is filtered through love, the message uplifts, encourages and strengthens people. And the choice is in the hands of the interpreter. I have decided to interpret dreams, visions and prophecies in the most positive life-giving way!  Any thing less does not feel good to me.

So, my answer to the question: "How can I believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?" is this--

All things are connected at Source. Believe the best interpretation you can give to your dreams, premonitions, and all such occurrences. And if the prediction should come true--or you receive an outcome which is different or less than you would have chosen--KNOW THIS: you are indeed blessed to have been PREPARED for this event.

My friend told me when she  was pregnant with  her fourth child, Sarah,  she had a premonition that something was not right with the child she  was carrying.  she even told one of  her girlfriends, "You know how people say, 'I don't care if it's a boy or girl, as long as it's ok?' Well, I can't say that about this baby. I CAN say, 'I don't care if it's a boy or girl and it's ok if it is not ok.' All will be well." And of course, when Sarah was born it was still surprising that she was born with Down's Syndrome. And yet, she felt so SPECIAL, because she HAD been prepared.

I truly believe in the prevalence of Goodness. I believe the knowledge of an event before it occurs is a gift. Something in us attracted this knowledge so that we could consciously prepare for it. Does that mean we have no choice or say in such matters?  Sometimes the vibration of another person becomes a part of our life and deep down inside of us, we DO have a corresponding harmonious vibration. Sarah chose to be born different genetically. Her true self wants to experience life here on earth different from most people.  My friend has   a vibration in  her that loves her and wants to encourage and support her along her journey.

They  are a perfect match. And all really is well.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Thoughts Become Things

  We are where we are, because of our thoughts in the past. Thoughts become things. We consciously or subconsciously always think about something. The problem is that we usually think more about things we don’t want, than about the things we want. It doesn’t matter if we want or don’t want something, we’ll get what we mostly think about.

We are where we are, because of our thoughts in the past. Thoughts become things. We consciously or subconsciously always think about something. The problem is that we usually think more about things we don’t want, than about the things we want. It doesn’t matter if we want or don’t want something, we’ll get what we mostly think about.

Try to observe your thoughts for a day or two. Do you mostly think about the things that you worry about, you don’t want them to happen, you are afraid of, or do you mostly think about pleasant and wonderful things?

Your present situation is the result of your predominant state of mind in the past. And you are creating your future now. Your future will be like your predominant state of mind now.
The past is gone. You can’t change it, but if you are dwelling on unhappy past now, you aren’t feeling happy now, and you are creating unhappy future.

Because you’re creating the future now, only the present is important. By having predominantly happy and positive state of mind now, you’re creating your happy and positive future. It’s called the Law of Attraction. You can attract whatever you want in your life: happiness, wealth, perfect health, love and wonderful relationships.

But you can also attract things and situations that you don’t want. Actually we do it sub consciously all the time.

Because you are energy, you are like a magnet;   everything is energy, you, your mind and your body. But you can control your body, and you can also control your mind.

Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you don’t control your mind and allow it to dwell on negative thoughts and feelings, it’s your worst enemy, because it creates your unhappy future. If you control your mind, it’s your best friend, because it becomes your best friend which will create your great future.

Of course lives of most of the people are a mixture of happiness and unhappiness because of their flickering states of mind. Now, because of knowing and understanding of the law of attraction you can start creating your happy future and be sure that you’ll get what you want in life.

The Law of Attraction is a broad subject and there’s no space in this short report to explain everything. Fortunately there is now more and more information available on the subject of attraction.
People like Plato, Newton, Carnegie, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Einstein and many others knew the law of attraction and lived according to the law of attraction, but it was a secret for most of the people. Now a lot of people are learning about the secret, the law of attraction and the science of manifestation.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Manifestation and the Importance of Living in the Present

When you start observing your mind first thing you might notice is that you don’t control it. How many times you have read something, sometimes even trying to really concentrate on the subject, but then you caught yourself thinking about something completely different at the same time?

 Do you sometimes observe your mind? In the ancient Vedic scripture Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna “One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well. For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.”
When you start observing your mind first thing you might notice is that you don’t control it. How many times you have read something, sometimes even trying to really concentrate on the subject, but then you caught yourself thinking about something completely different at the same time?
You can observe your mind, because you are not your mind, as you are not your body (This article is not about “You are not your body” subject. I wrote more about it in “Introduction to Manifestation”)
To manifest what you want you need to control your mind. You need to concentrate, meditate and visualize often. You need to focus on the things you want to manifest. If you allow your mind to jump freely from one subject to another, like a monkey from tree to tree, it will take you long time to achieve your goals.

One aspect of this is importance of living in the NOW. You can notice that we often think about the past, and when we think about the past we tend to think about “old good times”. There are not “old good times”. We simply forget about bad times and think about good times mostly, because it allows us to escape from the present reality and live in happy illusion.

The point is that the past, happy or sad is dead. We can’t change it. It also doesn’t have any value for our manifesting purposes. Of course we can hopefully learn from our past mistakes, but that’s it, otherwise dwelling on the past is just a waste of time.

If we don’t think about the past we usually think about the future. Often we are afraid of the future, sometimes we look at the future with hope. But the future is made in the present. We need to start living in the present and concentrate on the present. We need to be happy now.
If we are happy now, we build our happy future. Because of that it is very important to gradually control the mind and to live in the now; try to be happy now.

We can easily change our mind’s states. We can listen to some good music which we like, we can think about someone we love or we can look at something beautiful. Whatever helps you to feel happy, and the most important we can visualize the things we want in the future as already achieved.
A good way to get in the good mood is to do some simple yogic breathing exercises, which very quickly help to achieve peace and control of the mind.
Another good way is to practice gratitude for the things you have and the things you would like to have. You cannot feel unhappy when you feel grateful.

There are many different methods, but to start manifesting the things you want easily and quickly it’s good to find a good mentor or course, and follow the instructions. Reading about manifestation, the law of attraction and self improvement is always good, but the best is to take action and apply what you have learned.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ten Relaxation Techniques

A few good relaxation techniques can save your life, because stress is more than just unpleasant. It's also dangerous to your health. Disciplined practices such as meditation can help relieve that stress, but what if you don't have the time or motivation? Maybe you need to try a few of these simple ways to relax.

1. Hug someone. Giving a hug means getting one. As long as it's from somebody you don't mind hugging you, this really can be relaxing.

2. Interrupt routines. Go talk to that guy sleeping on the bench, or eat lunch on the roof. Just doing anything that breaks you out of your habitual patterns can relieve stress.

3. Have a hot shower. It relaxes your muscles, and any break from more stressful activities can help too. Some find that an alternating hot and cold shower is even more relaxing.

4. Try watching your mind. Spot the stressors lurking just below the surface (hunger, worry, a phone call you need to make), and you can resolve them and feel more relaxed. If you practice this mindfulness exercise, it may become one of your favorite relaxation techniques.

5. Try laughing. Your own experience shows that this helps you relax, right? Go find a guy that knows all the best jokes, or find something funny in front of you.

6. Use relaxing music. Keep your favorite relaxation CD at the office, in the car, or wherever you'll need it most.

7. Leave the room for a while. This can really help if the things in the room or related to it are triggering your stressful thoughts. Why not get out for a little while?

8. Breath deeply. Try five deep breaths through your nose. Close your eyes and pay attention only to your breathing while doing this. It's like a mini-meditation, and perhaps the most effective of the quick relaxation techniques.

9. Drink some chamomile tea. Chamomile tea seems to have a calming effect on the nerves. Any hot tea without caffeine may be relaxing.

10. Walk a while. If you have at least ten minutes to spare, walking is one of the best relaxation techniques. While you're at it, find a pretty place to walk.

Naturally, it is ideal if you can change yourself, so you're naturally more relaxed all of the time. Perhaps the thought of the work involved in this just stresses you more. In that case you might have to take it slow, so why not start with one or two of the simple relaxation techniques above?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Law of Attraction – How to Make it Very Easy

Ease comes with deeper understanding.  The law of attraction has layers and each layer reveals more tools to master manifesting your reality.

Every thing is easy after you learn the ins and outs of how it works.  There are those who think the law of attraction has no validity and there are those who believe that the law of attraction rocks.  Guess what!?  Both people are correct, because whatever one believes determines what that one will experience in his reality.

Despite the nay sayers there are secrets to the application of the law of attraction that can yield incredible results.  The results are so astonishing that it seems like magic and sorcery but it is none of those, yet all of those.  What is magic really?  If not the ability to do the impossible or what is thought of as impossible.

Open to Greater Possibilities and Realize Those in Your Reality
Well there are secrets that can make the power to manifest completely outstanding.  Imagine that you lived in a small town and you desired to go to the big city which is several miles way.  Tom your neighbor comes along and tells you to use his old bicycle.  You know that you can always walk which will take you several hours but the bicycle is a plus you happily accept.

After two miles you meet a stranger who tells you that he can surely take you along the route in his car which will get you there even faster.  Do you ditch the bike and take the car?  The secrets to manifesting are similar to this scenario.  It gets deeper and deeper and each lesson brings you more spiritual power.
Those who yearn to understand the deeper nature of applying the laws of attraction discover that while the car ride was great there is the airplane.  The journey gets faster and easier for those who dive deeper into the study of the laws of attraction.

 Immersion is the key to Mastery
For every single topic including the law of attraction, there are those who truly master the topic by studying it quite deeply.  You could not master money matters by making a study of poverty, or origami would you?  To fully gain ease in manifesting with the laws of attraction you must make it a diligent study.  You may take two to three months of studying all that you can but that study is like a masters degree which will serve you for the rest of your life.

 Uncover the Layers in all things there are layers.  On just about every single topic you will find that if you consulted with someone who has gained success he can take apart the topic into several categories.  Within each category there are layers that can be mastered in greater detail.  The law of attraction is no different.  Taking a little bit of time to understand the ways in which to apply each part will greatly benefit you in dramatically manifesting what you truly desire.  There are ways of contracting time and moving what you desire to you rapidly.  We truly live in a magical world.  <b>How far down the rabbit whole are you willing to go?</b>

Sunday, January 20, 2013

How Can 'Sceptics' Get the Proof They Need That The Law of Attraction is Working in Their Lives?

One of the best tools for getting the proof you need is to begin recording personal evidence of every coincidence or every 'out of the blue' experience that happens to you. HINT: Every time you use the words or phrases: serendipity, coincidence, synchronicity, every thing is falling into place, and out of the blue---you are actually gathering your own proof that The Law of Attraction is working in YOUR life!

Are you one of those folks that needs to figure-it-out all the time? Are you one of those Law of Attraction students who catches yourself saying things like, "I wonder how this is going to come to me?" or, "What do I need to figure out so I know what to do next (to manifest what I desire)?"
Attention Law of Attraction Students!
Stop trying to figure out where/how/when your manifestation is going to come! It's not your job!
Here's a great tool that will help all of you 'figure-it-outers' reduce your need to figure it out. Those of you who are thinkers need to see it or know it before you can fully accept that The Law of Attraction exists and is working in your life. You need proof before you can STOP being a sceptic. Ideally, if I could show you a test tube with Law of Attraction 'proof' inside it, or a Petri dish with Law of Attraction growing in it, that would be all the proof you'd require. The Law of Attraction does provide us with proof, however, it's not found in test tubes and Petri dishes.

One of the best tools for getting the proof you need is to begin recording personal evidence of every coincidence or every 'out of the blue' experience that happens to you. HINT: Every time you use the words or phrases: serendipity, coincidence, synchronicity, every thing is falling into place, and out of the blue---you are actually gathering your own proof that The Law of Attraction is working in YOUR life!

Folks who are thinkers and 'figure-it-outers' simply need this gathering of evidence to reduce their scepticism. Scepticism or doubt produces negative vibrations. More doubt attracts more negative vibration, and as we all know, The Law of Attraction is working in every moment to match our vibration and bring us more of the same, whether wanted or unwanted. Doubt slows down the speed of the delivery of our desires. It's important to reduce that negative vibration; the less doubt or scepticism we have, the faster we manifest.
Proof does just that! Gathering proof through keeping a log and recording each personal experience of The Law of Attraction reduces doubt for the sceptic. Gathering proof replaces those negative vibrations with the positive vibrations of knowing that The Law of Attraction is indeed working for you, the thinker!

If you are a sceptic, a thinker, or a figure-it-outer, start your log of evidence today. By the time you have logged 7 or 8 personal experiences of The Law of Attraction working in your life, you will be well on your way to knowing through evidence and proof, that The Law of Attraction is working in YOUR life! Enjoy the relief of letting The Law of Attraction arrange, figure it all out, and bring you your desires. It is the recording of evidence and the celebrating of proof that will raise your vibration. Practice using this great tool. You'll be giving more attention to your desires, doing more allowing and speeding up the delivery of your manifestations.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Does The Law Of Attraction Really Work?

Most people are not aware of the power of thought or dismiss the Law of Attraction as a myth. Nothing could be further from the truth: we become what we think about.

“Thoughts Are Things” Napoleon Hill wrote it in his famous book “Think and Grow Rich” a few decades ago. Yet to this day not many people understand its profundity.
To someone who might not be familiar with the concept of manifestation, it seems like a nonsensical statement – even absurd! But to a success conscious individual, it is a powerful statement and within it contains life’s most precious secret.

Everything starts with a thought. The Wright brothers had a thought about making flying a reality. Soon enough it became a reality for them and we are the beneficiaries. Donald Trump had a thought of being rich which led him to the right people, right opportunities that helped him along the way and he became rich. Bill Gate had an idea (thought) about making the computer easy to operate and accessible to everyone. His thought manifested. These men (and women) and many other successful individuals understand the most fundamental law: the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction states that similar things attract to one another, thus, the saying “birds of a feather flock together.” If everything begins with thought and the Law of Attraction plays a big role in manifesting the thought, then it can be illustrated as follows:


At the level of thought “things” are nothing but random energy waiting to be “assembled”. Yet they are as real as electricity is real. We can’t see electricity, but we know beyond shadows of a doubt that it exists. We also know that thoughts are real because everything that has ever been invented or created in our physical world began with a thought. The manifestation of the “thing” from the invisible plane into our physical world is enabled by the persistence of thought.
Scientists teach us that the whole universe is made of energy. Energy has frequencies. Thoughts are energy in its primitive stage. Thought energies radiate frequencies just as radio antennas radiate frequencies. The level of thought frequency determines the kind of physical manifestation and circumstance that we have; low thought frequencies correspond to the physical expression of similar frequencies while high thought frequencies correspond to things, people, or circumstance of similar frequencies.

The key to keep in mind is that thoughts are as real as any physical thing. You must be completely convinced as that it is so just as you are convinced that the earth is round. Hold your thoughts long enough and in time you’ll see them manifest in your reality.

So go head. Think yourself into riches, a new home, a new car, an opulent lifestyle, happiness, meaningful relationships, peace of mind…whatever you desire. You’re limited to the kind of thoughts you hold in your mind. The Law of Attraction does work. All you need to do is check your thoughts.

Manifest a great life!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How will You Choose Your Reiki Master?

It is a glaring fact that these days, there are numerous teachers, institutions, training courses, and practitioners of Reiki all over the world. This then opens up a pool of confusions especially on the part of those interested apprentices. It is common for someone to entertain the feeling of being lost. There are several people who are serious in their desires to attain the Reiki attunements which are but essential so they can practice the art of healing by themselves. With the large number of institutions and trainers around, it is a bit hard to find out the exact person who can teach you of the relevant methodologies. As a would-be Reiki student, finding the appropriate Reiki Master can truly be challenging. You should spot that particular person who has the full energy within him, one who is proficient in practicing the rituals and techniques, and one who is every inch an expert in Reiki.

An Important Understanding As a learner of Reiki, you should understand that this healing process is nonetheless a holistic system that covers several factors in relation to healing, balancing, and harmonizing every single aspect of an individual. The balanced and harmonized factors can be utilized to promote both the spiritual and personal consciousness and growth. The healing technique is basically safe. You may ask why. The main reason is that all the strategies used are executed gently. The healers actually make use of the spiritual energy in the treatment of the mental, physical, and emotional diseases and problems but with the absence of massage or any other pressure or manipulation.
Reiki is all about doing good in one's lifetime. It applies to where it is necessary. The client will only receive the appropriate energy that he requires at the time being. Reiki is not in any way pushed by the practitioner but the energy from it is being drawn in by the client himself. It is also necessary to note that throughout the session, the client will not take the energy that belongs to the therapist. What he gets to absorb is the pure and the clean Reiki energy.

Top Tips in Finding the Best MasterDuring your search, you will be drawn towards the rightful Master who will be perfect for you and your needs. You should go to the person with whom you feel comfortable. He should be the one who can teach and guide you. He is someone who can feel for what you need and what you desire for.

As you take a trip to several Reiki institutions, here are the tips that can help you out in seeking for your ultimate Master.

Proficiency. Your Master should have worked hard and long to know every single detail that comprises the art of healing. He should be able to perform the techniques based on what he has learned, experienced, and practiced with or without them having been mentioned in the Reiki books or manuals.

Lineage. The Masters belong to different categories. You should find out his affiliation to be able to know the teachings and techniques that he is likely to impart.

Qualifications. Be sure that your Master is certified. There are prerequisites prior to being qualified to become a mentor.

Class Coverage. What will he teach you? Will he reveal the symbols? Will he teach you self-discovered techniques?

Fees. Know the relevant fees that you need to settle to start with the course.

Overall, the Reiki Master will be the one who will hone your skills with the right amount of techniques, hand positions, energy usage, and the likes. It is a must to look around for the best Masters who are qualified to provide the teachings.