Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Attraction : How to Get What You Want From Anyone You Meet

Attraction is a very powerful tool to use to get what you want, if you know the proper way to use it.
People interact with each other on a daily basis, and most times this is because one person needs something from the other. Getting others to do what you want them to do is simple, when you know how to do it.
In the business world, for example, you may have a product or service to sell while the other person is  looking for such a product. To sell your product or service to them, you will have to convince the other person that he will be satisfied with the services you render according to his needs.

In other words, the way to get anybody to do what you want is to make them want to do it. Trying to get what you want through intimidation or force is asking for trouble. Yes, it;s possible but not advisable to use forceful methods, because the results are short term and can even be disastrous.

So how do you get others to do what you want? Simple. Give them what they want. That is the secret to attraction. And what is it that people want? Good health, love, and financial security are the basic desires of people.

But there is one important, yet intangible, thing everybody wants more than anything else, and that is to be appreciated. Being appreciated and complimented makes a person feel important. When you feel important, you feel needed and wanted, and this gives you a reason for existing.

So, how do you make someone else feel important? Tell them. Show them. Give appreciation freely, honestly, and without reservation. Saying how appreciative you are for a favor received or a job well done will make the other person feel important and respected.

You may not be able to describe in words how being appreciated makes you feel when you’re the recipient, but you know that what you feel is real and priceless.
To get what you want through attraction, show the other person that - if he does what you want him to do - it will, in turn, make him feel important.

Lets take charity for example. You want a contribution from a prospective donor. Even before the act of giving itself, the donor expects some from of appreciation from you and this, in turn, will give him a feeling of importance.

But appreciation doesn't necessarily have to be expressed in words. A smile and a handshake could be sufficient, and they can come from both you and the donor.

The donor shows his feeling of being appreciated, while you show your appreciation for the contribution. A chemistry takes place. It;s a feeling both parties would enjoy happening many times over.
So, to get others to do what you want them to, you must give them something first. Make them feel special, important and appreciated.

But, be aware, your feelings must be genuine. You must truly appreciate the person as a fellow human being, and not just because they are doing something for you.

If you can truly feel that the person you are interacting with is important and worthy, and can convey those feelings to that person, you will get them to do what you want them to, and they will feel good about doing it for you.

This is the most powerful way to get what you want through attraction.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Law of Attraction – Increase Your Mind Power over Money

 In order to fully master the law of attraction one must become aware of how the mind works in relation to our physical reality.  The mind is the power station for all our experiences. 
The mind can be compared to the hard drive of a computer.  It stores all the impressions that you experience throughout your life time.  Whatever you may have witness while growing up with your parents, the stories that others have shared with you, all these are impressions that are held in the mind.  Whether those impressions are good or seemingly bad they remain in the mind of the individual and influences that person’s experience of life. 

How you experience money is directly influenced by the information you have been fed about money and became stored in your mind.  One of the hardest applications of the law of attraction is in trying to attract more money.  Most people can attest to having a very hard time in attracting the amount they desire.  However, if you understand how the mind works you can then learn to over ride whatever impressions that are blocking you from attracting what you desire. 

To truly gain results with the law of attraction you must learn to examine yourself.  See yourself and your thoughts as a massive amusement park, be excited to explore yourself.  The more you investigate the reason behind your feelings and the actions that you take the more self control you will begin to develop.  Before you can take the steps to change any part of yourself you need to first be aware of your actions and the reason behind your actions.  No one else can do that for you!
Get a journal and begin questioning yourself:
 What are your thoughts about money?
What feelings come into your body when you think of my present financial situations?
How do you feel about your financial future?
What was your first impression you had of money?

 How to Apply Mental Training
One of the biggest failures in applying the law of attraction is the inability to train the mind on a consistent basis.  An untrained mind has very little magnetic power to attract. Even just a few minutes a day will build up magnetic mental power that takes much less effort to attract than a mind that has not been trained. 
See mental training like the training of your physical body. The more you train your body the better it performs and the more power it has.

Inner and Outer Training

In order to attract more money, more freedom it’s necessary to train the mind to also see it in your present environment.  It’s very easy for most people to make a study of poverty and to complain about their own financial woes but very rarely do people draw the impression of wealth into their mind.  If you just sit for a few moments and observe the lifestyles of those who are successful at attracting wealth you will slowly find your old impressions beginning to change.  The mind will receive those impressions and slowly begin to replace the old worn out impression you have of money that do not work.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Law Of Attraction Doesn't Understand 'Don't, Not or No'

Have you ever wondered why sometimes we get something that we really didn't want in our lives? People often tell me, "I didn't ask for THAT!"

In fact, some people think that the Law of Attraction 'isn't working for me' when they attract something they didn't want into their life--but it is. You see, the Law of Attraction doesn't hear the words 'don't, not or no' (as in, 'I don't want that.' 'That's not what I want.' 'No more of this!') it only responds to your feelings (your vibes) about that subject. If thinking about a certain situation causes you to feel upset, the Law of Attraction sends you MORE upsetting situations.

Here's a story sent to me by a reader, that demonstrates what I mean:
I went to a charity event last night (for which I paid $50) and then I donated another $20 for raffle tickets for various prizes. The idea was to put your ticket into the bowl that represented the prize you wanted. Well, none of the prizes were exciting to me. I put my ticket into the bowl that seemed the best of the three. And as I did so, I said to myself, 'I' really hope I don't win this silly haircut.' Then I realized there were more than three prizes and I felt disappointed that I had put my ticket into that bowl, but it was too late to take it back. So, as they were calling the prize winners I again said 'I' don't want that haircut.' When they read out my number I was so disbelieving that I had to ask them to repeat the number because I could not believe that I had won it - especially because I had said so clearly, 'I don't want it!' - well you know the ending of this story. I focused on it, said "don't" and focused on it again. DUH!! Now the fact is, it is a nice prize and I will use it - what was I thinking?
Sometimes I use the illustration of the Internet Search Engines--if you go to www.goolge.ca and type in the words 'no porn'--what will you get? That's right--PORN. The Search Engines don't understand Don't give me--they just understand porn.

So, if I don't want something, how do I avoid attracting it into my life?
By answering this simple question: 'If I don't want this . . . what do I want?'
Sometimes it takes a while to formulate a positive answer to that question, but taking the time to do so is the ONLY way to stop attracting what you don't want.

If I don't want clients who are late for our sessions, what do I want?  I want clients who are on time or early.
If I don't want to chase after clients to be paid for my services, what do I want? I want clients who joyfully pay by credit card or E-check for my services--on time or early.

If I fail to get clear about what I DO want, according to the Law of Attraction, I will attract that which I don't want into my life again and again--for until I place my focus on something else, what I don't want IS (by default) my focus.

Can you think of something that has been occurring in your life, over and over again?  If so, take a few minutes--just 5 or 10 minutes and do this exercise:

1. Write down on paper what this reoccurring event is. State what happens and how it makes you feel.
2. Then ask the question: If I don't want that to happen again, what DO I want to happen? or If I don't want to feel like that again, what DO I want to feel like?

Get a picture in your mind, an idea or a feeling for how you would like it to be. Find the words that most accurately express what you want and write them down on paper. Doing this will engage all your senses to such a degree that you will automatically begin to attract events and situations that are more enjoyable.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Your Preferences - As Unique As Your Fingerprints

Would life be different, if you believed that everything you love and enjoy is just right for you?
What would happen if you knew yourself so well you could say with confidence, "No thank you, I prefer..."
How would you look at others, if you really understood that their choices are perfect for them?

The Law of Attraction teaches us to recognize our personal preferences by noticing how things feel and asking ourselves, "Which feels better?  This or that?" When we take the time to notice our feelings, we learn about ourselves in a way that leads to great personal freedom and happiness.

Before I learned about the Law of Attraction and how I attract people, situations and opportunities in complete accord with my vibration (vibes), I tried to live by a set of standards or principles. I remember a time when I asked my pastor if he could give me a list of these principles so I could make sure I was living the right way. I did everything I could to be the perfect mother, dutiful housewife and selfless Christian. I thought that by conforming to what other people expected, I would become happy too. I was NOT a happy, joyful person. I was a person in great emotional and eventually physical, pain.

But the Law of Attraction taught me to notice when something doesn't feel good, because that feeling of discomfort is an indicator that something is NOT good for me. Anything out of alignment with who I am and all the purposes I came to fulfill will NOT feel good. WOW!  I had been placing my hand on a hot stove and trying to feel comfortable with the pain. I'd lived with chronic emotional and physical pain for so long that I was becoming numb to it. (A third degree burn is painless because all the nerve endings are burned away.)
One day, the truth finally dawned on me: Only I can choose what is best for me. No one can tell me what is good for me--only I can tell. And the way I tell is by noticing how everything feels, then looking for the thought, answer, idea or thing that feels best.

"Good feels good. Bad feels bad." ~ Abraham-Hicks

Knowing and honoring my personal preferences causes me to fulfill ALL my life purposes--naturally. Everything I set out to do during this lifetime is already programmed within me. The way I 'read the program' is to notice what brings me great joy and follow that lead. In fact, this is the shortest and easiest way to find fulfillment. Before I learned about the Law of Attraction, I felt like I had lost 30 years of my life by trying to endure a poor marriage. But within 5 years of applying the Law of Attraction in the way described in this article, I felt caught up on life. About two years ago, I had a profound realization:  "Today, I am exactly where I would be, if I had done the first 55 years of my life differently." That is a GREAT feeling!
Now I tell my students:  "Your personal preferences are as unique to you as your fingerprints. Only you can do certain things in this life and your preferences are there to guide you into actually living life in the most joyfully satisfying way!"
What about you?  Are you seeing yourself in this light?  Have you wondered why you don't fit in with the crowd?  Are you ready to accept yourself and your preferences as being right for YOU?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Manifestation and the Importance of Living in the Present

 Do you sometimes observe your mind? In the ancient Vedic scripture Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna “One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well. For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.”

When you start observing your mind first thing you might notice is that you don’t control it. How many times you have read something, sometimes even trying to really concentrate on the subject, but then you caught yourself thinking about something completely different at the same time?

You can observe your mind, because you are not your mind, as you are not your body (This article is not about “You are not your body” subject. I wrote more about it in “Introduction to Manifestation”)

To manifest what you want you need to control your mind. You need to concentrate, meditate and visualize often. You need to focus on the things you want to manifest. If you allow your mind to jump freely from one subject to another, like a monkey from tree to tree, it will take you long time to achieve your goals.

One aspect of this is importance of living in the NOW. You can notice that we often think about the past, and when we think about the past we tend to think about “old good times”. There are not “old good times”.

We simply forget about bad times and think about good times mostly, because it allows us to escape from the present reality and live in happy illusion.

The point is that the past, happy or sad is dead. We can’t change it. It also doesn’t have any value for our manifesting purposes. Of course we can hopefully learn from our past mistakes, but that’s it, otherwise dwelling on the past is just a waste of time.

If we don’t think about the past we usually think about the future. Often we are afraid of the future, sometimes we look at the future with hope. But the future is made in the present. We need to start living in the present and concentrate on the present. We need to be happy now.
If we are happy now, we build our happy future. Because of that it is very important to gradually control the mind and to live in the now; try to be happy now.

We can easily change our mind’s states. We can listen to some good music which we like, we can think about someone we love or we can look at something beautiful. Whatever helps you to feel happy, and the most important we can visualize the things we want in the future as already achieved.
A good way to get in the good mood is to do some simple yogic breathing exercises, which very quickly help to achieve peace and control of the mind.

Another good way is to practice gratitude for the things you have and the things you would like to have. You cannot feel unhappy when you feel grateful.

There are many different methods, but to start manifesting the things you want easily and quickly it’s good to find a good mentor or course, and follow the instructions. Reading about manifestation, the law of attraction and self improvement is always good, but the best is to take action and apply what you have learned.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Law of Attraction – From Zero to Tens of Thousands

Do you feel stuck and frustrated?  Most people do.  A lack of money can get most people to feel stagnant and quite frustrated about life.  If you could change your situation from one of lack to one where money is flowing into your life would you take the steps?

A few months ago I met someone who was quite frustrated in his life.  He had a very funny statement which he repeated very often and it goes like this.  “Now if only I could just get some money then I would….” 
The funny thing about this man is that he knew the law of attraction and he knew quite a few things that most people don’t even have a clue about.  Yet every time he made that statement he was informing the universe of what he did not want.  He was no doubt vibrating from a place of lack and the law of attraction made that very clear in his life.

Quite honestly despite his vast knowledge of the law of attraction and deeper metaphysical science he was stuck.  He could not seem to get out of the rut and his deep dark miserable circumstances.  All of that did change when he learned to apply a simple technique that altered those gloomy thought patterns in his space.
Most people experience feelings of being stuck.  Although they know that certain steps need to be applied they cannot shift their old energetic state.  The old energy of lack and poverty lingers like a dark cloud and that needs to be washed down. 

There are techniques that do cleans those old negative debris that must be dealt with first before the new circumstances can manifest.  It does require an easy daily practice but once it is done the changes begin to show in such a magnificent way.

All knowledge and no practice leads to an understanding without results.  Many people are like this, they acquire lots of knowledge but never use it.  Many times the knowledge is incomplete.  What makes the knowledge complete is having an actual technique a step by step plan to make that knowledge work. 
With applying the law of attraction a person must learn the actual technique and go immediately into practicing it. 

Eventually I told him.  I made it clear to him what he was doing.  Luckily for both of us he accepted without resistance and I showed him the clear techniques to increase his own thought power, while eliminating the negative energy and circumstances which he had previously created. 

The results were outstanding.  He diligently went about the techniques and within a matter of days things took off.  He kept it up and within months he was making a very hefty amount of money.  Far more money than he has ever seen in his lifetime.

He is remarkable proof that the techniques to applying the law of attraction once understood can and do create outstanding results.

Using the law of attraction to manifest what you want is powerful granted you apply the necessary techniques.  Almost everyone can run but not everyone can run a marathon.  The difference is that it takes right knowledge of breathing and particular ways of running and without this knowledge you are guaranteed if anything to fail.  Using the law of attraction to manifest is the same.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Law of Attraction – Increase Your Mind Power over Money

 In order to fully master the law of attraction one must become aware of how the mind works in relation to our physical reality.  The mind is the power station for all our experiences. 

The mind can be compared to the hard drive of a computer.  It stores all the impressions that you experience throughout your life time.  Whatever you may have witness while growing up with your parents, the stories that others have shared with you, all these are impressions that are held in the mind.  Whether those impressions are good or seemingly bad they remain in the mind of the individual and influences that person’s experience of life. 

How you experience money is directly influenced by the information you have been fed about money and became stored in your mind.  One of the hardest applications of the law of attraction is in trying to attract more money.  Most people can attest to having a very hard time in attracting the amount they desire.  However, if you understand how the mind works you can then learn to over ride whatever impressions that are blocking you from attracting what you desire. 

To truly gain results with the law of attraction you must learn to examine yourself.  See yourself and your thoughts as a massive amusement park, be excited to explore yourself.  The more you investigate the reason behind your feelings and the actions that you take the more self control you will begin to develop.  Before you can take the steps to change any part of yourself you need to first be aware of your actions and the reason behind your actions.  No one else can do that for you!

Get a journal and begin questioning yourself:
 What are your thoughts about money?
What feelings come into your body when you think of my present financial situations?
How do you feel about your financial future?
What was your first impression you had of money?

How to Apply Mental Training
One of the biggest failures in applying the law of attraction is the inability to train the mind on a consistent basis.  An untrained mind has very little magnetic power to attract. Even just a few minutes a day will build up magnetic mental power that takes much less effort to attract than a mind that has not been trained. 
See mental training like the training of your physical body. The more you train your body the better it performs and the more power it has.

Inner and Outer Training
In order to attract more money, more freedom it’s necessary to train the mind to also see it in your present environment.  It’s very easy for most people to make a study of poverty and to complain about their own financial woes but very rarely do people draw the impression of wealth into their mind.  If you just sit for a few moments and observe the lifestyles of those who are successful at attracting wealth you will slowly find your old impressions beginning to change.  The mind will receive those impressions and slowly begin to replace the old worn out impression you have of money that do not work.